Board Members builds trust and opportunities for all its stakeholders

Sameer Naushad Merali

Sameer Naushad Merali holds a Master of Science Degree in Banking and International Finance from City University Business School London and BSc. (Hons) in Management Science from Kings College London. Sameer is the CEO of Sameer Investments Ltd the vehicle behind the growth of the Sameer Group, Chairman of Ryce East Africa Ltd, Nandi Tea Estates Limited and Warren Enterprises Limited. Director of Fidelity Shield Insurance Company Ltd, Frontier Optical Networks Ltd; Sasini Plc (Public Company) and Sameer Africa Plc (Public Company) both of which are listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The Sameer Group has a current turnover of over US.$.1.5billion and employs over 23,000 people both direct and indirectly. The group’s business include telecommunication and IT, energy and power, manufacturing; agriculture and agribusiness; real estate; civil works and construction; finance; commerce and general trading.

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